
Free Consultation With A Lawyer

For a free initial consultation with Robert R. Hart, Jr., Attorney at Law, call (513) 549-7483 or fill out the short form below.

Over the last 35+ years, I have served in and out-of-state drivers, earning a reputation for tenacity in the defense of my clients’ rights.

In a free consultation, I can review your case and discuss what my firm can do to resolve your legal problems. I will work to achieve a successful resolution as quickly and efficiently as possible. Your future is important to me. I will do everything I can to protect your rights and achieve your goals.

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The use of the Internet or this form for communication with the firm or any individual member of the firm does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Confidential or time-sensitive information should not be sent through this form.

Robert R. Hart, Jr., Attorney at Law
810 Sycamore Street
Floor 2
Cincinnati, OH 45202

Phone: (513) 549-7483
Cincinnati Office Location