Although the ability to drive might be a privilege, some individuals may also consider it a necessity. Motor vehicles are a chosen means of transportation for many, especially for those who have long commutes. With the potential importance of reaching destinations...
traffic violations
Summer driving concerns
Ohio drivers must stay sharp this summer as Ohio State Highway Patrol officers will be watching. The authorities are dealing with more people on the road than normal and have already seen a variety of unsafe driving behaviors. The rise in vehicles on the road may be...
Steering clear of negative consequences with legal guidance
Motor vehicles can make travelling to and from certain destinations much faster and easier than alternative forms of transportation. Perhaps your place of employment isn't within walking distance, and you rely on your vehicle to retain your job. If you were to lose...
Passing a school bus with flashing red lights
People in Ohio take the safety of their children seriously. Even if you drive safely most of the time, one mistake in a school zone or near a playground could mean disaster. This is why traffic violations that put children in harm's way may incur serious penalties....
Should you fight a citation for traffic violations?
If you are facing a citation for any type of traffic violation in Ohio, you may be wondering if it is worth the cost and effort to fight it. In reality, even a traffic ticket can affect various areas of your life. It is worthwhile to attempt to mitigate the potential...
How many points are assessed for a traffic violation?
Ohio residents who violate traffic laws are subject to being assessed a certain amount of points on their driver's license. The Bureau of Motor Vehicles records this information within ten days of a conviction. Acquiring too many points can result in a loss of driving...
Fight Against Traffic Violation Charges
Think about how your life would be negatively impacted if your driver's license was suddenly taken away. How would you get to work or class? What about transporting your kids to school, getting groceries or making it to your doctor appointments? The fact is that a...
Determining the severity of traffic offenses
In many cases, a minor traffic offense is considered an infraction in Ohio, which carries a lower penalty than a misdemeanor or a felony. However, there are times when a traffic offense may rise to the level of a misdemeanor or a felony. Generally, this occurs when...
How can a traffic ticket affect my job as a driver?
Many Ohio drivers will get a traffic ticket throughout the course of their lives. Citations for traffic violations have a more direct and significant impact on a specific class of drivers. Those who earn an income through driving have more at stake when faced with...
Could Ohio traffic safety trend result in stricter enforcement?
Various news reports have recently published the news that there has been an increase in a specific type of crash in the state. According to the Ohio State Highway Patrol, the failure to yield has become a more common cause behind vehicular accidents. In 2015, there...